Bootstrapping a server

To bootstrap a new server, log into the AWS console and create a new EC2 server using the AMI for elections.

![AMI dashboard](images/ami.png)

Once the server is bootstrapped and has an IP address, use the pem file in the Private Eye repo to login to the server as such:

ssh ubuntu@ip-address-of-server -i path/to/private-eye/politico-east.pem

Once you’re in the server:

Get Your SSH key on there

You can’t rely on your pem file to get into the server; Fabric depends on your SSH key having ssh access to run its commands. So you’ll need to copy your SSH key to the server.

  1. On your local machine, run pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
  2. SSH into the server with the pem file, as above
  3. nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (or vi if that’s your thing)
  4. Paste your ssh key on the bottom line
  5. Save the file and disconnect from the server (ctrl+d).
  6. Try to ssh into the server with ssh ubuntu@ipaddress

Getting the app on the server

Okay, now you’re ready to (attempt to) get the app on the server.

First, double check a few variables in SERVER_PYTHON should match the version you’re running, such as python3. PRODUCTION_SERVERS/STAGING_SERVERS should have the IP addresses of the servers in the lists.

> For the following commands, staging represents the server you want to target (either staging or production) and master represents the branch you want to deploy.

Run fab staging master servers.setup

Then, install the confs with fab staging master servers.deploy_confs.

Check your site and see if it works! If you get an nginx error or it hangs, start checking your logs and welcome to server hell!

Updating the server

To update the server with changes in the repo, first ensure that all of your changes are pushed to Github. Then, run fab staging master deploy_server.

Running commands on the server

To run any fab command on the server from your local machine, use servers.fabcast. For example, if you want to run the data.bootstrap_db command on the server, you would run:

fab staging master servers.fabcast:data.bootstrap_db

Note that fabcast can only run fabric commands.

Upstart Services

On the server, the app basically functions through two upstart services: app and deploy. The app service starts uWSGI to serve Django through nginx. The deploy service runs the results daemon.

In the confs folder, you will see the upstart configuration files for those two. Hopefully, you’ll never need to touch them.

You can control them through Fabric. There are three commands:

  1. fab staging master servers.start_service:name_of_service
  2. fab staging master servers.stop_service:name_of_service
  3. fab staging master servers.restart_service:name_of_service